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Breathable rayon film seals for biological cultures, pk of 100

Breathable rayon film seals for biological cultures, pk of 100

SKU: 391-1261

A 139,7 µm thick hydrophobic porous film with medical grade adhesive for tissue culture plates, bio-blocks, and 96-well plates where gas exchange is necessary for cell or bacterial growth. These rayon films minimise cross-contamination, spillage and evaporation.


They allow uniform air and CO₂ exchange for all wells, unlike plate lids which favour exchange for wells near plate edges. Sterile product is packed in tamper evident bags of 25.


  • Non-cytotoxic, highly gas permeable
  • Pierceable using pipette tip for sample recovery
  • Recommended for temperatures from −20 to +80 °C


Each film L×D: 142,9×82,6 mm for standard size tissue culture plates.


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